Saturday, April 28, 2012

picnic at barrage

my 1st post exams activity- picnic@barrage!

it was an awesome, yet extremely warm day out at the barrage. even though we went at 430pm (nearer to when the sun is setting), it was still extremely sunny /: can really feel my burnt cheekbones now! hahaha.

nic was the chef of the day and prepared quite a lot of good food :D yay! no pictures of the food sorry cause i was in a terrible position  to take any nice pictures. so anyway, here are just some pictures of the people i picnic-ed with (:


haha we even had picnic drinks, like martini hehee! but my sensitive stomach really cant take the drinks at all -.-

happy picnic-ing. though it left us extremely tired at the end of the day, but it was still pretty fun! 

so people, seize the (extremely) sunny weather and head out for a picnic with your loved ones/ friends. FLY KITE TOO CAUSE ITS JUST FUN :D

Sunday, April 22, 2012

exams exams exams

crunch time as i prep for my last 2 papers.

in just a few more days, i will be free~

Monday, April 9, 2012

pho's 21st + tp design show

Finally, Phoebe has officially graduated from TP design school (: We met a few days ago to visit her booth at the TP Design Show at Vivocity, as well as hold a super duper early 21st birthday celebration for the dear girl (:

Gonna spend some time today to introduce her works for the FYP (Final Year Project). If you do like her works, please contact her with the information provided later okay! Her FYP's style is very "her". So if you like it, I believe she can produce even more satisfying works for you (:

This is phoebe at her booth! (why look so awkard?!) hahaha.

These are just some of the collaterals she came up with. A collection of 3 books to help you "uplift your life" (: 

And here are just a few more excerpts! All these excerpts are taken off Do visit her webpage for her other works!

So.. upon looking at her illustrations, do you feel "uplift-ed"?? heh! but these illustrations are so pretty, aren't they? I'm definitely gonna take some time off to learn all these from the photoshop-pros. making pretty things makes you feel pretty too, you know? (:

Then, we had dinner at Earl's Swensons. Yay for free flow salad buffet!

Because pho had booth duty, she left before the dinner ended, which bought us some time to prepare her birthday tart, from fruit paradise, and her present (:

And here's phoebe (looking slightly awkward again!) with her birthday tart. its about 2 weeks before her actual birthday, but oh well, better early than late right! especially when we are all busy during her birthday period.

happy bananas~ dont know why but this picture just makes me feel so happy (: favourite friends for a long long time already!
gonna end off with a group photo! 

once again, if you like phoebe's works and wish to contact her, her contact details are as follows: